Ministries, Diversions, and Disciplines
(in 2009)

Someone recently asked me, "Chris, do you have any hobbies"? I thought a little bit and then I responded, "No, I don't have any hobbies, but I do have ministries."

As I spoke those words, I realized that this response sounded a bit pompous. After mulling it over a few days, I determined that the activities of my life could be categorized as: "ministries", "diversions", and "disciplines".


Ministry is at the center of whatever I do. At this moment in my life, everything really flows together. I take joy in preparing sermons. I look forward to returning to my friends in Africa. I take pleasure in teaching students from my Greek Bible. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because of the life that God has blessed me with. I am in my church office seven days a week -- at least for a few hours, not because I have to be there, but because I feel God's presence when I am doing His work.

Right now my big three ministries are (1) Pastor at First Southern Baptist Church in San Lorenzo (2) Bi-annual Missionary to the University of Rwanda (3) Weekly Seminary Teacher at San Quentin Prison.


I would call "diversions" those things that I enjoy doing that are not ministry related. I don't indulge in many diversions. I don't watch TV and seldom go to movies. I do spend about a half-hour a day reading the newspaper and working the puzzles. I listen to books on tape. That's fun. I just acquired three canaries and their songs divert me when I'm home. I enjoy occasional visits with my family and I like to talk on the phone with my two sons. But truly, I love to fill my days with God's work. What could be better?


There are a few things that I do on a regular basis that require discipline. I try to exercise five times a week: three mornings at 24-hour Nautilus and two long runs on other days. Sometimes I slack off. I need more discipline. Under this category of discipline, I would also place the morning devotions that I share with Kim. We are on our second cycle through a regime of daily Bible reading. We miss an occasional morning, but this time of Bible study and prayer is an important beginning to our day.

Visit the page called "Dabblings". This is what I was doing around 2000.