Around the city of Eugene
like at Jeanne's and school

[Heather, Josh, Zac, Steph, Ben, Nate, Simon, Lucinda]
There were a lot of kids around the age of my own. This picture is in the back of the Zelen house.

Backyard Circus at Zelens

At the park

Frogs at the Eugene Civic Center

Atop Skinners Butte

Zac's soccer team

A birthday at Farrel Ice Cream

Zac's birthday at Farrels

In Jeanne's back yard with new addition of Valerie

Making jackolanterns with Grandma

Zac in Kindergarten

Zachary attended Willamette Christian Center for 1st Grade

Pictures sent to Jeanne
and Zachary's message: "to A nut Jeanne from Zac"

Simon getting toys

Zac & Pete in May 1981

Return to Oregon.